Search Exo Cruiser

Apr 25, 2016

The Fastest ARM Cortex MCU Board (04.2016)

Atmel is making an interesting MCU evolution kit board SAM V71 with  ARM Cortex M7 micro controller core. That is the fastest ARM Cortex micro controller on the market today (04.2016).

General vie of the Atmel SAM V71 Xplained Ultra Evolution Kit PCB

Apr 20, 2016

1341 HP Toroidion Sports Car

A new and very fast sports car from Finland. 1341 HP and all wheels with electric motors will accelerate this car from 0 to 400 km/h in 11 seconds! Most likely you will not be the second one in many places with this car.

Toroidion 1341 HP 0-400 km/h 11 seconds!